
Offre chambre pour colocation a Morges

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Offre chambre pour colocation a Morges

Hi, my current flatmate is probably freeing her room by the end of the year, so we're starting to look for someone interested in sharing the apartment. ABOUT THE APARTMENT The apartment is in a quiet area, less than 10 minutes walking from the Morges railway station. Furniture is quite basic (I don't have a dishwasher and not even a TV!) but there is a spacious and luminous saloon and I try to keep it more-or-less clean and in order. Your bedroom has a single bed, view on the lake, and there is a wardrobe available. Good enough for initial staying, then can be customized at will if you like the place and decide to stay longer! ABOUT ME I'm an italian expat living in Switzerland since 2012. I'm 49 y.o, I love nature and outdoor activities (bike, run, hiking...), I occasionally invite friends/colleagues at home but I am not a night owl so would suit someone similar. ABOUT YOU Would be great to share with someone who is non-smoker, speaks french or english (or italian :), likes to live in a friendly place and happy to share the occasional meal together. Interested? For more info, just contact me! A bientôt...! Maurizio
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Informations principales

Loyer demandé : 850 EUR
Disponible dès le : 01/10/2016
Durée de la colocation : Plus de 12 mois
Inclus dans le loyer : Chauffage, Eau,

Le logement proposé

Type de logement : Appartement,
Nombre d'occupant actuel : 1
Occupation des chambres : Chaque colocataire aura sa propre chambre
La ou les chambres sont meublées : Oui
Occupation de la salle de bain : La salle de bain sera partagée
Superficie : 70 m²
Nombre de chambres : 2
Pièces : Cuisine, Salon, Buanderie,
Equipements intérieurs : Cuisine équipée,
Equipements extérieurs : Balcon, Jardin, Garage,

Pour plus d'informations sur l'annonce de Maurizio

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Mais ce n'est pas grave, car vous pouvez trouver d'autres offres de colocation à Morges ou visiter notre page principale sur la colocation Morges.